Surrogacy 101
- Category: Education
- Written By: Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
Understanding Surrogacy - What is a Gestational Carrier (GC)
For couples who are ready to have a baby, it can be an exciting experience. However, struggling to conceive can put a monkey wrench in these plans for expanding their family. In fact, 12-15% of couples are unable to become pregnant after 1 year of trying.
While there are many ways hopeful parents can go about bringing a little bundle of joy into the world, using a gestational carrier is a viable option. Here’s what you should know.
The term “surrogate” refers to a traditional, and now outlawed, practice where a woman would carry a pregnancy to term that was created using her OWN egg and sperm from the intended parent. Because of the ethical and legal complications resulting from this, we no longer utilize traditional surrogacy.
Gestational Carrier
A gestational carrier (GC) is a woman who agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or couple. The pregnancy is created with an egg that is NOT her own via in vitro fertilization (IVF). This is frequently used in cases where a woman is unable to carry her own child due to either health restrictions or uterine problems. It is also used to help build families for same-sex male couples.
Finding a Gestational Carrier
When looking for the right GC for you and your family, it is important that a potential carrier meet specific guidelines to even be considered. Many gestational care agencies require them to meet some of the following guidelines:
- Being in good physical and mental health
- Non-smoking (tobacco)
- No history of alcohol or drug abuse
- Living in a stable living environment
- Prior safe delivery of a child
At ACRM, we are partnered with several agencies who can help you find the right surrogate for you, also walking you through the required legal contracts. We also provide any medical procedures associated with the use of a gestational carrier, such as screening, in vitro fertilization, and embryo transfer.
Seek Support at Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
There is no doubt that infertility is an emotionally draining journey — but you’re not alone. At ACRM we understand the value of offering infertility support. We know that speaking to an infertility counselor or attending a free, ACRM support group can not only help you manage stress, but it can also help to strengthen your relationship too.