From Trials to Triumph
- Author: Erika P.
- Date Submitted: Feb 17, 2022
- Category: Success Story

“ My journey included 8 years, 7 losses, failed adoptions, countless shots, surgeries and procedures. That will always be a part of who I am, but because of ACRM I am a mom too.”
"I was one of those women who dreamed about being a mom from the time I was a child. During our premarital counseling, the minister asked if we wanted kids and we said yes. He then asked what we would do if we were unable to have kids and I told him we would have kids. About a year later, I sat in my obstetrician’s office feeling helpless as she told me that I would not be able to have children on my own. That was the first of many tears that I shed on my journey to become a mom.
The day after I received that news I called ACRM and set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Fogle. A short time later, I showed up to my first appointment at the Buckhead office. There I met with Dr. Fogle and Laura. I had no clue during that meeting what a journey we would go on to have a baby and what both of those amazing women would do for us. We started with medication, then moved to medication and IUI, and finally began our IVF journey. I never felt pressured to do more than I was ready for. They allowed me to take it one step at a time.
A little over a year into the journey after surgeries and procedures I got my first positive. I remember the naïve feeling of sheer happiness without fear. Shortly after learning I was pregnant, I lost my baby. We kept trying and it took over a year to get pregnant again and I then lost my second baby. A few months later we lost another baby. Dr. Fogle and Laura were there for me every step of the way holding my hand, giving me hugs, and crying with me. Laura provided the support of my family and friends in a time where it was difficult to talk to anyone about what was going on and Dr. Fogle was my voice of reason who always kept my best interests at heart. They both had hope when I did not.
We took a break and decided to try adoption. We had a few adoptions that did not work out. After about a year I made an appointment to see Dr. Fogle again. We discussed options and decided to move from IUI to IVF. It was the best decision for us. ACRM prepared us for the shots and procedures and Laura and Dr. Fogle answered my MANY questions. The IVF process is not easy, but when you have a supportive team it becomes much easier. We got pregnant our first cycle. I was terrified because I didn’t know pregnancy without loss. Thankfully, 9.5 months later, I held my precious son, Walker.
A year later, we transferred one of our two frozen embryos and we got pregnant. We lost that baby because of a chromosomal abnormality. Laura was in the room with me when we found out his heart had quit beating. I will never forget the tears she had in her eyes as she hugged me.
We transferred our last embryo a year later and got pregnant and suffered another loss. I still remember the kind words that were in the email that Laura sent me. At this point our choice was to walk away or try one more time. We decided to move forward with what would be our last IVF cycle. We called it the kitchen sink cycle because we tried everything to prepare in hopes of getting some healthy eggs. 9.5 months later I was holding another precious little boy, Sawyer.
We still have three embryos awaiting us that we will return to ACRM to use. In the meantime, I still receive emails checking on our family from Dr. Fogle and Laura. When my newborn was in the hospital with RSV they checked on him daily which meant the world to us.
Infertility and loss is hard. It is the hardest thing I have ever been through. Having a team of people who care about us and have our best interests at heart made all of the difference for us. During the times where I quit believing, they helped carry me through. The reason, the only reason, I am a mom is because of ACRM. They are more than a medical practice. They are people who truly care. My journey included 8 years, 7 losses, failed adoptions, countless shots, surgeries and procedures. That will always be a part of who I am, but because of ACRM I am a mom too. For that reason, the happiness far outweighs the hurt. I still have tears, but now the tears I cry are from absolute joy as I look at my precious boys."