Prior to your visit, you can help us by completing and submitting your New Patient Questionnaire. The questionnaire provides an opportunity to communicate thoroughly your past medical history and that of your partner. It also allows you to tell us, in your own words, about issues that you want to address with us. We particularly appreciate having this insight to your priorities. It is helpful to gather your medical records and provide them to our office well in advance of your visit. If you have had an HSG performed, it would be helpful for you to bring the CD or films if possible.
You can expect that your physician and nurse will have reviewed your questionnaire and medical records in advance of your visit and be prepared to talk with you about questions you have raised. Topics include past medical history, allergies and medications (both prescription and over-the-counter supplements), important lifestyle issues such as exercise, smoking, and nutrition; menstrual history, pregnancy history, past hospitalizations and surgeries, prior fertility testing and treatment.
Based on your chief concerns, your medical history and prior testing, and the time of your menstrual cycle, you and your physician will plan the timing for additional testing and discuss potential treatment options. We will explain when you can expect results (sometimes within a day or two, sometimes 2-3 weeks away depending on the testing needed), and what the implications are.
During your first few visits, you will meet several members of your patient care team. Your team is comprised of your physician, nurse, and patient care coordinator. Your patient care coordinator will assist with medical record requests, appointment scheduling, and all non-clinical questions. We will have attempted to confirm your insurance benefits prior to your appointment, this will help us to understand when testing and treatment will be covered by insurance.
It is our goal to answer your questions and to provide a path that supports your medical and emotional interests. Some patients will leave their new patient visit with a plan for treatment; while others will leave with a strategy for getting the answers they need in order to plan treatment at their next consultation. Either way, you should leave your new patient visit feeling cared for and clear about your next steps and points of contact.