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Gestational Surrogacy

Surrogacy Services in Atlanta

Deciding to use any kind of third party reproduction, such as surrogate parenting, is a big decision and can be an overwhelming process. ACRM is here to help guide you in making a knowledgeable decision.

In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate (or gestational carrier, or GC) carries a child conceived of the egg and sperm of two other individuals. Specifically, the sperm of the intended father or a sperm donor, as well as the egg from the intended mom or an egg donor are fertilized and transferred, via IVF, into the gestational surrogate.

This is a valuable family building option for LGBTQ+ couples, women who would be at high risk for health issues during pregnancy, and any other couple for whom carrying the baby is not an option.

For the gestational surrogate to become pregnant, an embryo (or embryos) is placed into her uterus. These embryos result from IVF treatment. The eggs can be from the patient or an egg donor but are not from the gestational surrogate herself. This assures that the gestational surrogate has no genetic tie to the child.

ACRM is partnered with several agencies that can help you find a surrogate and work through the legal contract required. We also provide any medical procedures associated with the use of a surrogate, such as screening, in vitro fertilization, and embryo transfer.

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